- #Kerbal space program remotetech 2 1.1.2 fix mods#
- #Kerbal space program remotetech 2 1.1.2 fix code#
* PR #631: Various FlightComputer improvements * Issue #673: Add vessel name to flight computer. * Issue #669: Player's Guide contains dead link to Advanced Settings * Issue #633: Command Station has no local control. * Issue #628: ModuleSPU on a crewed-command part with no crew = no control * Issue #626: "Transfer crew" button in context popup menu should be always available. * Issue #618: The connection indicator does not scale properly. * Issue #613: NRE Spamming when transmitting science (RT + other mods) * Issue #602: Mission Control not affected by Range Multiplier option. * Issue #601: World Scale sliders under options are too granular. * Issue #594: MultipleAntennaMultiplier is snapped to 0 or 1. * Issue #589: API - Changing range of GroundStations * Issue #578: Flight Computer doesn't close when going back to Space center view. * Issue #525: Missing parts in staging cause NRE spam, lock staging.

* Issue #506: Blank RTAntennaTarget, Exception stopping the registrations. * Issue #471: Handling GetInfo()'s "range" display when in rangemodel Root * Added current vessel name to flight computer (when UI is deployed). * Fixed various problems with the github readme and the user manual. * Command Stations can now control themselves (if properly crewed and with the right SPU module) even if there's no one in a command module. * Added a new "LeadTime" field (in settings file) to control how much time attitude control is queued ahead of the maneuver (default 3 minutes like the previous hardcoded value). * Flight Computer can be switched to "Off" instead of "KillRot" after maneuver execution or abort (configurable through settings file). * Fixed an issue when a craft with an uncrewed ModuleCommand but with a ModuleSPU was deemed non controllable. * Kerbals can now transfer themselves even if there's no connection and they are not in a command module (this also bypass any signal delay). * Fixed various issues with the connection indicator and various UI scales. * Fixed a NRE spamming issue while transmitting science.

* Added a new option slider: range multiplier for ground stations / mission control. * "World Scale" option sliders are now using 2 decimal places instead of 6. * Antenna range multiplier has now a maximum value of 5 (previously 2). * Antenna range multiplier option slider is no longer snapped to 0 or 1. * Added a new API to change the range of ground stations. * Flight Computer window is now closed when switching to another vessel or leaving the flight scene.
#Kerbal space program remotetech 2 1.1.2 fix mods#
* Exception bubbling up from KSP or other mods are now caught in RT when staging. * Fixed an issue when the "RTAntennaTarget" field was empty in a save file. * Antenna info in VAB / SPH indicate "range" or "power" depending on the chosen RangeModel ("range" is technically wrong when in Root model). * Moved all RT antennas to the new Communication category in VAB / SPH. * Add and option to enable / disable CommNet alongside RemoteTech. * Prevent parsing objects that have no chance (Asteroid, Unknown objects and flags) of being RT controlled. * Updated ModuleManager to the lastest 2.7.1 version (Nyan Cat ftw!).
#Kerbal space program remotetech 2 1.1.2 fix code#
* Ported the RemoteTech code base to KSP 1.2.